Monday, December 7, 2020

Family Jewels Name Game, Chapter 1-3


Hi! Welcome to another chapter of my Name Game, Family Jewels: Maximum Brood, where we're collecting children with foolishly long names from gemstone words. I had to take a bit of a break due to a busy quarter and then NaNoWriMo (in which I am an ML for my local region), but I'm here to update you on the Cabochon family. Founder Quartz and her husband Declan have toddler twins named Quetzalcoatlite and Qusongite, and as you can see above though we have a bit to get through to reach that actual point, Quartz is pregnant with baby U. They have a house that is mostly undecorated, and Quartz passed up friendship with the kleptomaniac Miracle for a more trustworthy best friend, Dana. Ok, that's the summary. Let's dive in...

Not sure that's how skirts work, but regardless, Quartz is quite pregnant with baby U, and very pleased about it. They really don't have spare money considering they can't even move further in their shared aspiration of Master Maker (which is so damn expensive!!) but at least there's room for another in their little living area within the large house shell. We kept the bright yellow wallpaper, as you can see. It's cheery, and I like the bright colors with the gem theme of this legacy.

Quetzal and Qusong are keeping busy in the nursery. They're really good, independent girls despite neither having the trait, and they just keep themselves occupied skilling up most of the time.

Declan and Quartz take a pretty equal load of parenting, with Quartz often working from home during the day and Declan being in charge at night.

The girls adore him, too. They like Quartz too, but Declan gets a lot of autonomous love and play.

After all, Quartz has more important (???) things to do that evening.

We could really use that mopping in here. I still had the bug that the parents wouldn't complete the pottytraining at the time I played this bit, so it took longer than usual for the girls to skill up, which meant a lot of puddles and stinky potties. They got there eventually.

Aww, Quartz found her way back inside by morning apparently. Qusong is not happy to hear she needs to take a bath and gives her mother some attitude.

They made up however. Usually it's Quetzal being the bratty one, so this must have been a tired and cranky moment for Qusong.

With Quartz in her third trimester, Declan heads to their bar to wait for the dumpsters to replenish and finds this uniquely-styled sim there. He looks like he's about to sing while paddling tourists about the French Riviera.

Once the dumpsters are full, Declan goes back to our unofficial family side hustle.

Back home, Quartz goes into labor while putting a municipal concept in the mail to her bosses.

Not one to fuss about herself, she still did the repair action I had queued up for her like a boss.

Declan, weren't you sleeping? What's got you looking so scared on this side of the bedroom door? (I ask like I don't already know lol.)

*uninterpretable screaming*

Declan: "Well, as long as I'm up, might as well have a snack."
*More, but distant, screaming*
Are you sure you're not missing anything important?

Like, oh, say, this?

Quartz: "AHHHhhh...hey, where did the bed go? And why can't I get to the cradle? And why did the cradle just disappear too?"

All excellent questions! I wish I knew the answer to all of those, but I can at least help with some of them. She seemed to be blocked by something that I couldn't see and couldn't get out of bed. I deleted the bed, which was separated CC mattress and frame, in case it was the problem. Then she popped out of bed obviously, but couldn't get to the other side of the room to the cradle, so I deleted the CC cradle in case it was the problem. I'm using an invisible bassinet mod but I was new to it and wasn't sure what was wrong. She should have been able to get to the invisible bassinet, but there was some kind of barrier. I just kept clicking "Have baby at home" and she would try but fail, moving just an inch here and there.

Finally she seemed to slip by whatever was causing the problem and gave birth to another girl.

Welcome to baby Ulexite, a little girl with her mother's skintone so far. Obviously we got her invisible bassinet and the CC crib working again, but I don't know what the deal was with her birth.

Then life goes back to normal after the exciting night. Another day, another probably bugged pregnant townie.

Another poorly-received presentation from Quartz. Man, even her best friend is not a receptive audience.

Dana: "A roundabout? How original. *huge eye roll*"
Tough crowd.
Dana: "You try listening to her present the same blueprint day after day."
I watch it, at least. And's pretty boring. I'll give you that.

Also on the usual plan is childcare. Ho-hum.

But things are about to get at least a bit more interesting...

Because we are not adopting this cat! Sorry, faked you out. I swear this lot has a hidden cat hangout trait because the strays are always napping on our walk.

Anyway, we are adopting someone. The adoption worker impaled herself on our front door and threw the carrier through the wall, so the visit is going well so far.

After meeting a couple of absolute asshole puppies, we settled on this little guy here. He's a Australian Cattle Dog, and he is friendly, hairy, and smart. He also has the most gorgeous big brown eyes, at least they're big now. Hairy isn't the best trait, but honestly all three puppies had it, plus with two dog lovers as owners, I'm sure he'll get all the brushing he needs.

Quartz fulfills a whim by adopting the little guy, and Quetzal fulfills a wish of hers by ingratiating herself to the readers by appearing in this shot. Still don't vote for her, y'all. Fifteen pregnancies is TOO MANY pregnancies, lol!

Anyway, welcome to the family, pup. I guess I should reveal his name now. I wanted something rock-related, but I didn't want a name that was too big for his britches, so to speak, so this is A Rock. Not The Rock. Just A Rock. We later got a fish named A Pebble so there's a whole thing going on here.

Anyway, back from a day of work and Declan is on childcare duty again. He gets to really spend some time with Ulexite for the first time, since he had to head into work shortly after she was born. Secret Agent has pretty long hours.

Ah, yes, that would be a problem. When Quartz and Declan couldn't go to bed, I decided to investigate my crib problem. A merged set of children's CC turned out to have a crib in it that I wasn't aware of, so somehow that caused these three cribs to spawn when Quartz went to give birth, but they were invisible so I had no idea they were there since she didn't complete giving birth in any of them. I sorted out the mods, deleted the extra default replacement, deleted these three offenders, and got my sims to bed finally. I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned here but I really doubt I'll learn it.

A Rock is a really spritely little guy, and he's pretty sure he's in charge, because he loves watching over the girls when they're playing. Something got his attention though, because he went bounding out of the nursery... go scream at his own disturbingly large poop pile. O...kay. Well, we picked a weird one, but he'll fit right in.

Quartz had to go check a community board and the community lot was distressingly gloomy and empty. I was hopeful that if she spent enough time at these, their local communities would vote for something to be done with them, but that hasn't happened yet.

Just a day later and it's Ulexite's birthday.

Yay! More lilac hair, but no lilac eyes. Instead she has Declan's dark brown eyes, which honsestly looks really good with her hair. Ulexite is a charmer as a toddler.

Now to drop some knowledge on you: ulexite is known formally as hydrated sodium calcium borate hydroxide (a mouthful!) It can occur as white parallel fibers and it conducts light through the fibers, which I think is how it gets its nickname, which is TV rock.

Boy does this cutie live up to her trait! Her nickname is Ulex, pronounced like Alex but with an initial "oo" sound.

Qusong is happy to welcome the new additions of their puppy and their younger sister to the toddler room. Qusong and Quetzal are working on their skills, and one of the parents just skipped out of pottytraining duty after putting Ulex on the potty.

Of the two newcomers, I think the twins like A Rock slightly better, but Ulex will have time for them to warm up to her.

With her older sisters absorbed in their blocks, Ulex spends some quiet time with mom.

We had been to The Caboose bar so many times, and I just really thought it was so boring and dull. I replaced it with this amazing lot by DoctorSimCraft on the Gallery called "Caboose Reno."

Declan and Quartz check out the new amenities and they and I all seem to approve.

Then it's back to the main event.

Random townie: "Hey lady, did you know I can see up your skirt?"
Quartz: "Well, what an appropriate way to greet a stranger."
Random: "I mean, you're the one dumpster diving, so don't lecture me on appropriate."

Later that evening, when both dumpsters in the area had been cleared of recyclable goods, Quartz invites Declan to dive for thrills, which seems to be a new hobby of hers.

But it's not all recreation - we're trying to get something done here! Congrats, Quartz!

Quartz: "Hey, babe. I think I found something in the dumpster."
Declan: "Please tell me it's not another 5 simoleons. I'm so tired of finding just that."
Quartz: "Nope, better."
Declan: "Does it have something to do with the way your coat is fitting all of the sudden?"
Quartz: "Getting warmer."
Declan: "Is it...a baby?"
Quartz: "Not just any baby. I found YOUR baby in the dumpster."
Declan: "I am truly a lucky man."

Quartz: "OMG guys, you won't believe it, but I'm having a dumpster baby!"

Alien: "YES!!!!!!"
Quartz: "Wow, you seem a lot more excited than I was expecting. What do you think, Mr. Riviera?"
Mr. Riviera: "I'm just wondering why you don't smell worse."
Quartz: "I washed my hands seven times after taking the pregnancy test."
Alien: "WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"
Quartz: "Is she...okay?"
Mr. Riviera: "Well, it is alien night and I saw her earlier with a couple pitchers, so, you know."

All right, Quartz having a dumpster baby on the way for baby A seems like a good place to stop. I've got a few more chapters laid out and I'm almost on break, so we'll see if I can't get a few more chapters up. I've really been enjoying playing these guys. I hope you're enjoying reading about them! Check in with me at Boolprop while you wait!

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