Thursday, December 24, 2020

Family Jewels Name Game, Chapter 1-8


Hello! The big news last chapter was Qusongite turning into a vampire, turning Ulexite, and beginning to build her vampire family. We're also working on raising the girls up so we can get them shipped out, all so we can get babies T and Z in the family once there's room. Let's check in with the family now...

Johnathan didn't quite make it in the door before completing his transformation into a vampire.

Wow, this is actually a pretty good transition. I mean, sure, he has a lot of facial details, but he doesn't have the goofy vampire teeth, he's not wearing an eyeball ring, and it's basically a valid outfit. I just wish he didn't chop all his hair off in his dark form, but I don't care enough to go fix him. He got one makeover. That's more than I give most of my townies.

Axi has completed Artistic Prodigy. I gave her Rambunctious Scamp next but she didn't finish it.

The last of Qusong's offspring completes her transformation at night when visiting. Also, note to self: gotta fix that platform edging. That's annoying.

Wow, if Johnathan was basically decent, I think this poor townie whose name I can never remember gets the award for absolute worst dark form. That's a real achievement of the most dubious kind.

Although it looks like they're mad, Qusong is actually apologizing to Ulex for a snappish remark she made while in a mean phase. These two have kind of a complicated relationship most days.

Still, they're closer than even Qusong is with Quetzal, close enough to link arms and drink their plasma pouches.

Although she's beyond stressed out, Quartz has finished the Civic Planner career! That's good because I just learned she has to do freelance tasks for her aspiration, but I'm going to have her keep working for at least a little while.

Declan also maxes his career that night. He's a Double Diamond Agent now. I'm really pleased that they both finished their careers. It helps that Quartz was able to work at home so often, such that pregnancy and childrearing didn't stall out her career.

Qusong and Quetzal grow up in a few days. I didn't think I could finish Quetzal's freelance botanist aspiration because our plants are bugged and are acting as though they're outdoors despite being in a greenhouse and thus going dormant, but I figured I could complete Qusong's. I had her form a club of her offspring minus Ulex (because I didn't want to control two sims at once while I did this) and then they spent all night at the park to terrorize anyone unwise enough to say, use the swings at four in the morning. This allows Qusong to use her powers often to skill up quickly, since she needs to be a Master Vampire now. It is interesting that, although she's a vegetarian, she still drinks plasma.

Qusong: "Hey, I'm a vegetarian vampire, not vegan. It doesn't kill them!"

If you say so.

Really loving this guy's kerchief and jelly shoes. Qusong doesn't stop to appreciate his outfit choices though, since the sun is now up and she has only a limited time to be draining plasma.

I then took her to a teen hangout rec center without the club (because they were being boring), where this guy is entirely too old-looking to be hanging out.

Baldy: "I'll have you know I went bald early. I'm only 23!"

Not good enough. We're draining your plasma as soon as she reads your personality.

What are you doing here?!

Father Winter: "Just here for a cup of joe."

Not you.

Declan: "Oh, I came for a croissant, myself."

Declan is continuing his habit of showing up when I'm not controlling him. Luckily, he was way too absorbed in his croissant (and who can blame him? croissants are tasty!) to notice that Qusong was having way too much fun in another room.

Qusong: "Let me get this straight. I called you over, and you didn't notice the passed out guy in the doorway?"
Lady: "Oh, I noticed him. Almost tripped on the poor fellow."
Qusong: "Okay . . .  so you didn't notice that I'm in my dark form and have an aura of dark powers about me?"
Lady: "Nah, I saw that too."
Qusong: "So if you saw all that, why did you come here still? Doesn't seem very bright."
Lady: "Joke's on you. I'm not very bright!"
Qusong: "Well, I'm going to drain your plasma anyway."
Passed out guy: "Person person minus."

Sigh, you're passed out. You shouldn't be losing relationship with Qusong, but just so you know, we don't care.

Qusong: "Okay, so this one walked by three passed out people."
Next lady: "Sure are a lot of sleepyheads here today!"

We had to move into another room because the stupid drained people kept losing relationship with Qusong and I was worried she was going to get a negative reputation for being "caught" although let me remind these people that YOU'RE UNCONSCIOUS!!!

In draining this lady, Qusong became a Master Vampire and completed the Vampire Family aspiration. I gave her Super Parent next because she'll be growing up too soon for me to complete another, and I thought maybe that she has these vampire offspring now, she might be interested in raising her own.

Back home, Axinite is celebrating her birthday . . . by napping on the least comfortable bench in the whole house. Isn't anyone available to party with Axi?

Quartz: "We'll be there in a few. Little busy right now."

This was the beginning of a bug I had where whenever someone would blow out the candles, they would teleport to somewhere else on the lot and fail to grow up, having just jumped out of the interaction.

See? I eventually got a mod that fixes this until EA deigns to take care of it (it's apparently not uncommon presently).

In the meantime, I grew Axi up with MCCC. Lovely broken shoes you have there, Axi. 

Axi: "Ugh. Some birthday."

Here's Axinite made over. She's still something of a tomboy and she still loves red. She's a cat lover (unlike everyone else in the family), but she's also childish like Declan and Ulex. She wants to be a Painter Extraordinaire.

She seems pretty pleased with her makeover. I love this hair on her.

And what are our other teens doing? Quetzal is still taking care of the garden, although our grafted strawberry/snapdragon/dragon fruit bugged out like I mentioned before, so there's no way to get a cowplant from it currently, let alone grow it in time. I was tempted to keep her and Qusong around to complete Quetzal's aspiration, but we still need to have two more kids and Quartz and Declan aren't getting any younger.

Now that she's completed her first aspiration and can't advance in her second yet, Qusong has been working out a lot. I gave her gym rat because she kept going there on her own anyway, so at least now she enjoys it.

Ulex is moodily writing, like usual. She still has a chance of finishing her aspiration, and we certainly appreciate the royalties, so she's mostly chained to the computer.

Quetzal did have time to complete a teen career, however. I gave her this several days ago, but she had a few days off first. She's in the laborer career because that was the closest I could get to gardener. She heads off to her first shift needing to use the bathroom quite badly. I take such good care of my sims.

Axi has finally found an ally in the house. Ru popped up from wherever she's been hiding all chapter, and in the course of one conversation, they became good friends. It's about time Axi had a sister who she liked. I worry about her, in case you can't tell.

Quartz and Declan are standing around awkwardly because I deleted their bed in order to makeover their bedroom. It's really cute now, in my opinion.

And there's this precious little nursery nook for the babies that they still have to have, complete with a rocking chair that they can't rock their babies in, but I can imagine. I put extras of their photographs here to reassure future babies that they're loved.

Declan has maxed cooking. I'm keeping track of all the points everyone earns and I'll update at the time of the heir poll.

While still in a decorating mood, I made this little nook under the stairs for A Rock. He has his toys just out of the left side of the frame. I later extended the platform a little because sims would, annoyingly, walk along the edge of it before stepping down on the corner rather than just stepping off of it like normal people.

Axi gets a start on her aspiration, but she always likes to paint with a toy in one hand. Somehow I just noticed she's lefthanded, too, which kind of fits with her sorta-different personality.

Mayor Whiskers! Can you comment on why your constituents like to nap on our street so often?

Mayor Whiskers: "It's a free country."

So are you telling the people you have no plans to regulate cat vagrancy in this city?

Mayor Whiskers: "I like to use my political capital on begging for treats."

Mayor Whiskers! Please! You must do something about the populace. Lawlessness is at an all-time high in your target demographics.

Mayor Whiskers: "You do know I'm not actually the mayor of the cats, right?"


Anyway, Quetzal comes home to a decorated front yard, one promotion away from topping her career.

Ru meanwhile has completed Whiz Kid. So that's where she's been all this time. Huh. I totally forget what I gave her next, but I'll mention it if it becomes relevant again.

Quetzal and Ulex don't really have much in common nor much of a relationship, but they're happy enough to be in each other's presence quietly while they complete their homework.

Ulex: "Can you help me spell a word, Quetzal?"
Quetzal: "Sure. What word?"
Ulex: "The."
Quetzal: "The what?"
Ulex: "How do you spell 'the'?"
Quetzal: *sigh* "How are you a writer?"
Ulex: "I just describe picture books. You don't have to write good for that, silly."
Quetzal: "That's...I don't...I mean..." *is broken*

Meanwhile, Qusong is making herself useful autonomously cleaning our nasty plumbing.

It's Quartz's adult birthday, and Declan celebrates with a meal prep uppercut to the boobs. They're both in their party wear because we're going to actually try to have a party for this important birthday.

We didn't quite get there yet, because *someone* had to steal the show. Looks like it's A Rock's birthday too!

Happy birthday, boy! You're a handsome elder. I'm entirely unready to lose this amazing dog, though, so I hope he gets a long retirement. Although I don't know if you can really call it retirement when he's been doing whatever the hell he wants his whole life anyway.

Although we invited all of Quartz's friends, none of them showed up for the party, and she teleported into her family while they were celebrating per the current bug, so it was just fails all around. Everyone looks so cute in their party wear though, so at least that's something.

Once aged up with MCCC, Quartz looks pretty much the same as a mature adult. Congrats, Quartz!

The family then enjoyed the cake together because despite none of the guests attending, we were still running a party event. I forgot Qusong has a withered stomach and she had to throw up after just one bite, but Ulex has basically no vampire skill (she wasn't kidding about not wanting to study lore) so she has only one weakness and can still eat cake.

This is another curious bug. The bathroom upstairs, whenever it needs mopped, seems to make sims think the puddle is directly below it, on the ground floor. Later, when we have toddlers again and that bathroom sees even more puddles, I find my sims down here mopping invisible puddles that are actually on the floor above them quite often. Weird.

Quartz wants to get a bit more into shape as she ages, so she did a little swimming in the pool, which is good, since no one else has seemed to notice it yet. As usual, A Rock is sure to supervise. Who's a good lifeguard?

Feeling upset from a mood swing, Quetzal comes home with a promotion to the top of the teen laborer career, just in time for her and Qusong's birthday.

Teens are weird enough, but we had to add vampires into the mix too. Goodness.

Quetzal goes first (after calming down) and promptly teleports outside. You may wonder why I'm bothering to have them blow out the candles when it's broken. They still get the happy moodlet for their birthday from blowing out the candles - they just don't age up. So it's worth it still.

As Quetzal slides into the kitchen, out of breath from sprinting back from wherever she teleported to, Qusong blows out her candles. Happy birthday to our twins, the first kids of this challenge family!

Oh yeah, I totally finally solved the problem of fitting her name on these cards, haha. Quetzal is a dog lover, unflirty, and PARANOID. Girl, your name was enough to make me not want you to be heir. You didn't have to try quite so hard with the traits.

Quetzal: "I'm paranoid that I'll still get voted in and have to flirt enough to get pregnant 15 times. Yuck."

Ugh. As before, she still wants to be a Freelance Botanist. She and Qusong have Quartz's entire suite of facial features, but at least they got a darker skin for a little variety.

Qusong is still a vegetarian and dog lover, but now she's a loner too. You guys are just winning left and right with these traits, huh? She's aspiring to be a Super Parent now, as I mentioned earlier.

And here's her official dark form, since I only showed an in-game pic of it before.

Quartz took the required ninety-million pictures of absolutely nothing to skill up, and then she took our oversaturated portraits of the twins. Then they were summarily moved into a nearby house to await the future heir poll. We're not getting to an heir poll at all until we have two more pregnancies and raise those babies up to YAs, though.

No time like the present to get started on that, then.

Quartz: "Well, one out of five times not conceiving isn't so bad. Looks like my legendary fertility streak came to an end."
Declan: "Then it's only fair we try again."
Quartz: "That's music to my ears!"

And Baby T is on the way! Hurray! About time. It feels like it took forever to get the Q's out of the house, but we're finally making more progress on this generation.

And that's the end of the chapter. Check back soon for more. I have several more chapters laid out because I'm really enjoying playing these guys and I'm trying not to get too far behind in my pictures. Check in with me at Boolprop too. Thanks for reading!

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